Sweetest baby boy | fort collins childhood thoughts

It’s crazy to think that this summer is quickly ending. I know some schools in our Fort Collins area head back in just 2 weeks!!! I can honestly say, that while I am looking forward to experiencing all of our children in school, I’m wanting to push the pause button. Our youngest is starting kindergarten…which means…I’m old! lol. And, he’s my bud. But, I know that this is also a new phase in our life and I am excited to walk thru it and see where it takes us. Maybe that means I will blog more?!?! We’ll see. I love sharing these sweet babies with you. I think this little man is extra special and is part of an extra special family. I love them. You can check out momma’s maternity session and get a little peek into their beauty HERE.

If you are interested in scheduling your own newborn session don’t hesitate…space is limited and almost full for the fall. Send me an email to check for availability and to get your due date on the calender! {lyndseylewphoto@gmail.com}

Fort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby PhotoFort Collins Baby Photo

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